
A teenage memory of his family’s home renovation set Matt’s professional journey in motion. Climbing through new timber wall and roof framing, he remembers music playing, flowing breeze, flying dust and a feeling of calmness in the air. Even then, the excitement was palpable as he observed the house coming to life. His passion for drawing further sealed his fate.

Matt’s warmth, reliable work ethic, optimism and calmness in difficult situations comes to the fore in the practice, where he leads the team’s vision and culture. Here, and with clients, consultants and craftsmen alike, Matt establishes enriching relationships that populate the journey of bringing a creative idea to reality. For him, sharing the satisfaction of a beautifully finished project makes the experience of architecture memorable.

Along with the mental clarity that comes with surfing and running, bushwalking often inspires Matt. The beauty of the biodiversity, wild and untamed yet perfectly in order reminds him that sometimes things are best left untouched and that less can be more.

B.Des (Arch), M.Arch (Hons), University of Newcastle

BVN, Sydney