Architectural Graduate & Interior Designer

With many creative members in her family, including her father, a photographer with a passion for drawing and painting, Eloise’s interest in drawing and making was sparked at a young age. An early affinity for nature was also cultivated through camping, bushwalking, sailing and beach-going, which continues to flavour her life today.

Whilst Glenn Murcutt is a powerful influence — Eloise participated in his Masterclass in 2017 — she also loves Tadao Ando’s Church of Light, appreciating the mastery of light, shadow, form and journey.

Eloise brings her expertise in high-end residential projects, with a strong conceptual approach, and refined hand drawing and interior detailing skills to Woodward Architects.

Having contributed to architectural humanitarian projects for Architects Without Frontiers and Emergency Architects Australia, Eloise is passionate about enduring, meaningful and environmentally conscious architecture.

B.Des, (Arch), University of Newcastle
Diploma of Interior Design, Design Centre Enmore, Sydney TAFE
Cert. IV Design Fundamentals, Design Centre Enmore, Sydney TAFE

Hare + Klein Interior Design, Sydney
Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney
Steven Varady Architecture, Sydney