
Richard Coskie

Senior Associate

A childhood spent drawing influenced by graphic designer and chartered surveyor parents led Richard to architecture. Initial work in the UK included involvement on two phases of a RIBA-award-winning housing estate regeneration project and a RIBA award winning commercial building, before coming to Sydney. The change in built scenery shifted Richard’s homegrown love for robust, solid and carved architecture to an appreciation of the lighter construction vernacular that now resonates with him.

A chance meeting at a Glenn Murcutt Masterclass drew Richard and Matt together, where they connected over common interests. At Woodward Architects, Richard acts as project architect on a number of projects, and he often takes a lead role during the concept phase.

Armed with a pen and roll of trace, Richard sets out to understand place and interrogate client briefs with the goal of achieving simplicity and clarity. He enjoys starting the day in nature with dog walks with his family, and beautiful landscapes also nourish him whilst suffering through ultra-running expeditions.

B.Arch, M.Arch, Manchester School of Architecture 

Hawkins\Brown, London
Make Architects, Sydney